All of the information on this website is considered to be historical authentic as it is based on original journals, letters and related documents. Many hundreds of hours already have been spent on this project with many more hundreds (if not thousands) to come. All to preserve and share the history of this so fascinating ghost town called ‘Leechtown’ where so many people left their spirit. When you would like to further spread the information found here, please respect and reward the work by naming the book or website and the author ‘Bart van den Berk’ as your source. Therefore the following formal copyright disclaimer;
Copyright © 2014 by the author, ‘Bart van den Berk’. All rights reserved. Usage for personal, educational, teaching, research consultation and/or scholarly purposes only. No part of information on this website, book, pictures and/or documents may be further distributed, published and/or commercial used in any form or way without express written permission of ‘the author’.
Bibliography notation:
van den Berk, Bart, The History of Leechtown – Part I, The VIEE and the Discovery of Gold on the Sooke and Leech Rivers, Sooke: VandenBerk-Books, 8 July 2014; 300 pages.
van den Berk, Bart, Leechtown History, accesses dd-mm-yyyy,