Below is a transcript of Leech’s letter about ‘the Sooke River gold discovery’ Also published in the ‘British Colonist’ newspaper on July 26, 1864.
To Dr. Robert Brown
Sooke Lake, 17th July, 1864.
I have to report for your information that we have found good indications of gold on the Sooke river, at a point about six miles from the Inlet and about a quarter of a mile above the Canyon, shown in Mr. Whympers sketch which I forward along with this note.
The parcels which are enclosed contain the prospects made by Mr. Foley.
No. 1 contains the result of 15 pans washing.
No. 2 contains the result of 2 pans washing.
No. 1 was found immediately above the Canyon;
No. 2 at a point situated about 3 and 5 miles above the Canyon.
Mr. Foley estimates the averages to be about 8 cents to the pan[*].
The largest prospect was about 25 cents to the pan.
I am
Your Obedient Servant
P.J. Leech
– * Later assessment in Victoria showed that the enclosed prospect No. 1 contained 3½ cents to the pan. The price paid for 1 gold (troy) ounce these days was about $17.-
– Transcript© from the original letter, made by ‘the author’.
Download (pdf) file : Transcript – Leech’s letter – July 17th
Download (pdf) file : BC Newspaper article – Leech’s letter – July 17th
Download (pdf) file : (copy) Original – Leech’s letter – July 17th