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Aht, Alberni Inlet, Amackan River, Thomas William Anthony Omtamy Omtamny Omtamny Williams,  Toma Tomah Tomow Tomaw Tomo Antoine, Gold, John Ash, William Banfield, William Eddy Banfield, Barkley Sound, Barnston Lake, Alexander Stuart Barnston, Alexander Barnston, George Barnston, Bastion Square, Bear River, Bedwell River, Becher Bay, Beecher Bay, Bella Bella, Bella Coola, Belmont house, Big Bend gold rush, Richard Blanshard, George Blenkinsop, Bonilla Point, Botanical Association of Edinburgh, Bowman & Halsey stage, British Colonist, British Columbia, Brown River, Robert Brown, Broullé, Brulan, Breuilly, Brule, Brulez, Brulé family, Bute Inlet massacre, Chilcotin War, Butter Church, Buttle Lake, Buttle Peak, John Buttle , John James Taylor Buttle, California, gold rush, Cape Cook, Cape Flattery, Cariboo gold rush, Carmanah Point, Che-hunuk, Masolemuch First Nation, Chemainus, Cherry Point, Chinook, Chymsimkan, T’Sou-Ke First Nation, Clayoquot, Tla-o-qui-aht First Nations, war, Clayoquot Sound, Clemclemalits, Lhumlhumuluts’ village, Clo-oose village, coal, Co-con-a witch mountain range, Co-con-a-witch (Sooke Lake), Coffee Creek, Columbia District, Columbia River, Comiaken, Qwum’yiqun, Comox, Comox Harbour, Comox Lake, Jean Compagnon, Conuma Lake, Woss Lake, James Cook, Coopers Inlet, Coopers River, copper, Cottonwood Creek, cougar, Cowichan, Cowichan Bay, Cowichan Harbour, Cowichan Hotel, Cowichan Lake, Cowichan River, Cowichans First Nations, George Cruickshank, De Courcy group, Deadman’s Creek, deer, Modeste Demers, 1864, Ditidaht, dog fish oil, James Douglas, Major Downie, Richard, (pioneer and miner), Echotis Creek, Echwates village, Elk Creek, Elwha Native Americans, Enterprise (vessel), Esquimalt, Esquimalt Harbour, Etlo Inlet, Nitinat Inlet, Evening Express Victoria, Exploration Island, Fairy Lake, False Nitinat, Fanny Faucault, John Michael Foley, John Foley (pioneer and miner), Foley’s Creek gold, Fort Alexandria, Fort Astoria, Fort Colville, Fort Fluzcuz, Fort Garry, Fort George, Fort Kamloops, Fort Langley, Fort Rupert, Fort Thompson, Fort Vancouver, Fort Victoria, Fort Yukon, Forward (vessel), Peter Francis, Selim Franklin, Fraser River, Fry’s Hotel, Gallows Point, Garnett Creek, Gold Commissioner, Gold Creek, gold nugget, gold price, Golden Bullet Mine, Goldstream, Goldstream River, Goldstream (vessel), Richard Golledge, Gordon River, Walter Colquhoun Grant, Grappler (vessel), gunboat, Great Central Lake, halibut, Harpooner (vessel), Samuel Harris, Sam Harris, Harrisburg, Harrisville, Havanah (vessel), Hecate (vessel), Hemeton River, Nitinat River, deputy Chief Hiff-pah, principal Chief High-in-a-cufs, William Hooper (pioneer and miner), Adam Horne, House Cone Mountain, Hudson Bay Company, HBC, Jack Humphreys, iron, Jean Baptiste (Chief Somena First Nation), John Bull Inn, Jordan River, Juan de Fuca Strait, Kaarste Lake, Kaatza Lake, Cowichan Lake, Ka-ba-doa (Qwa-Ba-Diwa First Nation and village), Ka-he-Kis Creek, Kakalatza (Chief Somena First Nation), Kanatze (Peninsula), Karleit village, Karliet village, kalaayit village, Kennedy Range, Arthur Edward Kennedy (governor), John Kingcome, Klal-amath (place), Klallam (Native American/First Nations), Klootis (place), Koock-Sa-La River, Kuch-saess (place), Kuper Island, Kwaq a yuk (Chief T’Sou-Ke First Nation), Kyuquot, Cheklesath, Lazare la Baggay, La Buscay, Lazar, Lazare La bisca, Lasore, Lesare, Lewie Lassare, Lazarre, Lazare Le Buscay, La Plata (vessel), Lake Cowichan, Lamalchi Expedition, Langford, Thomas Laughton, Tom Laughton, Leech River, Leech River forks, Leech River gold, Peter John Leech, Peter Leech (lieutenant), Leechtown, Leechtown gold rush, Jean Lemon, John Lemon, Johnny Lemon, Lewis Bite River, Henry Thomas Lewis (pioneer), Lillooet, Lord Raglan (vessel), Archibald MacDonald, Ranald MacDonald (pioneer), Masole-much (First Nation), McDonald Peak, John McLoughlin, John Meade (pioneer and miner), Meg Merrilies (vessel), Metchosin, Migma River, Gordon River, Mill Bay, misinformation, Mokoola (Chief Nitinats/Ditidaht First Nation, Morel Street, Mount Baker, Mount Brown (Na-si-a-chin – Sooke Lake), Mount Kennedy, Mount Lazar, Mount Prevost, Mount Whymper, Muir Creek, Muir family, Nanaimo, Narwhal (vessel), Nespod (place), New Westminster, Nimpkish (place), Nitinat, Nitinat Inlet, Nitinat Lake, Nitinat River, Nitinats, Ditidaht, dee-tee-daht First Nation, war, Nlaka’pamux (First Nation), Nootka Sound, North West Company, Nuuchahnulth (First Nation), Ogden Point, Onesmah River , Gordon River, Opetchesaht (Hupacasath First Nation), Giovanni Baptiste Ordano, Oregon Country, Oregon State, Oregon Territory, Oregon Treaty, Orveas Bay, Otter Head, Pacheedaht (First Nation), war, Pachena village, Pachena Bay, Pachenat River, San Juan River, Pandora River, Gordon River, Parana (vessel), Pa-tsasn-a-witch (mountain range), Pedder Bay, Joseph Despard Pemberton, Pender Island, plumbago (graphite), Plumper (vessel), Point Owen, Port Alberni, Port Augusta, Port Renfrew, Port San Juan, potlatch, D.E. Prest, proclamation (gold discovery), Protection Island, Pylades (vessel), Qualis (place), Quamadooa village, Quamiciian, Quamichan, Kw’amutsun (First Nation and village), Quatchas (place), Queen Charlotte Islands, Queen Victoria, Quistach (Chief Pacheedaht First Nation), Quotongass (place), Random (vessel), George Henry Richards, Peter Rondeault, Pierre Rondeault, father Rondeault, Royal Navy, Saanich, Saanich (First Nation), Saanich Inlet, Saatlaam, Sasat-laam (place), Saint John’s Creek, San Francisco, San Juan Harbour, San Juan Island, San Juan River, gold, Sa-rath-in (mountain range), Satellite Channel, Saturna Island, Scllams Native Americans, Scotch broom, Sem-el-ton (Chief Quamichan First Nation), Se-na-toa (mountain range), Seymour Range, Shawnigan, Shawnigan Lake, William Parker Shelley, Sheringham Point, Sheshaat First Nation, Sina-wow-stalow River, Cowichan River, Sisters of Mercy, Slapjack Creek, Sombrio River, gold, Somena First Nation, S-amuna’ First Nation, Somenos village, S-amuna’ village, Songhees First Nation, war, Sooke, population, Sooke Basin, Sooke Harbour, Sooke Inlet, Sooke Lake, Sooke River, gold, Sooke River forks, Sooke River Falls, potholes, Sooke-Victoria trail, Sow-a-tun (deputy Chief Nitinats/Ditidaht First Nation), Captain William Spring, Sproat Lake, Gilbert Malcolm Sproat, Squakum (east Cowichan Lake), Squitz, Skwets, Skutz, (village, waterfall), Swoem-kum Island, Taatka village, Tahsis Inlet, Ta-lee (principal Chief Nitinats/Ditidaht First Nation), Tanasman (Chief T’Sou-Ke First Nation), Thames (vessel), Thames City (vessel), Thew-een-kut River, Thompson River, timber, Trent (vessel), Tsaam (place), Tsilhqot’in (Chilcotin First Nation), T’Sou-ke (First Nation), T’Sou-ke village, Vancouver Island, Colony, population, Jean Baptiste Vautrin, Veitch Creek, Edmund Hope Verney, Victoria, population, Victoria Daily Chronicle, Victoria-Cowichan trail, VIE-Committee, members, 21, VIEE, Vancouver Island Exploring Expedition, Vancouver Island Exploration Expedition, contracts, members, regulations, supplies, the Victoria Voltigeurs, Alfred Penderell Waddington, David Walker, Walse’a (Chief T’Sou-Ke First Nation), Washington Territory, Wawa-hades village, Western Union Telegraph, Whyac village, Why-ack village, Wye-yack village, Y-Ack village, Whyack village, Edward Whymper, Frederick Whymper (artist), sketches, Willamette Valley, Williams Creek, Woodside Farm, Woody Point, Cape Cook, Yo-Kom (principal Chief Nitinats/Ditidaht First Nation), Yokum (Chief T’Sou-ke First Nation), Yukon River.

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